This is a sponsored post on behalf of Juicy Juice.
Music brings joy to our home. It’s been a wonderful way to express ourselves during these recent hard times. My family savors the small joys, as we practice social distancing and “safer at home.”
My husband is a musician and music teacher, so music shakers have been a part of our instrumental arsenal for as long as I can reminder. We decided run with that theme for our Juicy Juice craft while we reused and recycled with Juicy Juice boxes.

Items you will need to create your own music shakers
- A Juicy Juice Box
- Scissors
- Rice or beans
- Tape

Let’s get shaking! First step, begin with an empty juice box. Next pull up the tabs at the top, squeeze the top into a line and cut a little of the top to open more widely. Step three is to rinse and dry the juice box. Step four will have you fill the box a third or half way with dry beans or rice. Your five step is to fold the tabs back down on the juice juice box. Finally tape the top of the box, making sure the tabs are secure and none of the rice is leaking out.

Viola! You have a juice box shaker.
If you want to be extra creative, tape up the juice box with Washi tape and have the kids get creative with markers and design their custom music shakers.
One is never to old to dance and shake it! Put on your favorite tunes, dance and shake it up. I promise this will be a smile on your family member’s face!

Here are some other juicy juice crafts and recipes to keep your family smiling.
Backyard Bowling Alley (outdoor and indoor fun!)
Tres Juice Cake
Cherry Salsa Recipe
I’d say this craft is best for kids over 4 and with adult supervision.