“Sonic the Hedgehog 3” is one of those rare trilogies that gets better with each installment. The first served as the introduction for the titular blue speedster (voiced by Ben Schwartz) discovering his family after leaving his home world. The sequel, saw him find friends, Tails (Colleen O’Shaughnessey) and Knuckles (Idris Elba) with extraordinary powers like him. And the final chapter of the trilogy saw him learn about what it means to be a leader when facing off against the anthesis of himself in the form of the tragic Shadow (Keanu Reeves).
In the film, Sonic, Tails and Knuckles face Shadow the Hedgehog, who allies with the mad scientists Ivo and Gerald Robotnik in pursuit of revenge against humanity. Shadow, an anthropomorphic red-striped black hedgehog that was part of a secret government program called Project Shadow. Though Shadow’s been experimented on, he’s seen the best of humanity through a young girl named Maria Robotnik, who also just happens to be Gerald’s granddaughter. And one tragic night when Maria and Shadow try to escape, Maria is killed and Shadow is left in suspended animation. 50 years later, Shadow breaks free and vows vengence humanity and won’t let anyone like Sonic get in his way.
Thats It LA had the chance to talk to director Jeff Fowler, who helmed all three Sonic The Hedgehog films, about the keys to keeping a franchise like this fresh and what was it like to bring someone like Keanu Reeves on board to voice Shadow.
“Sonic the Hedgehog 3” is coming to Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K Ultra HD on April 15th.
Synopsis: Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails are back for their most epic adventure yet. The team reunites to face a new formidable foe, Shadow, a mysterious hedgehog with powers unlike anything they’ve ever seen. Team Sonic must secure an unexpected alliance if they hope to stop Shadow and save the planet. Keanu Reeves joins the all-star cast as Shadow the Hedgehog.