In Defense of Animals is offering a $2,500 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the individual responsible for the cruel abuse and abandonment of a German shepherd found in a remote area near Malibu Creek Canyon. This heart-wrenching incident occurred on the evening of July 3, 2024.

At approximately 7:45 p.m., two compassionate hikers discovered the distressed dog. His mouth was cruelly zip tied shut, and another zip tie constricted his neck. Despite the harrowing situation, the hikers swiftly called 911 and managed to remove the zip tie from his mouth before police and animal control arrived. Together, they freed him from the zip tie around his neck and carried him to safety.
The dog, described as sweet and gentle, gradually warmed up to his rescuers, allowing them to pet him and even eat from their hands. He has since been transported to the Agoura Animal Care Center, where he is receiving necessary care and attention.
The individuals who rescued the dog are deeply committed to ensuring his well-being and are eager to find him a loving home or sanctuary. Their dedication extends to seeking justice for the heinous act of cruelty he endured.
“We are grateful for the quick actions of these hikers and law enforcement, but our efforts must continue,” said Fleur Dawes, Communications Director of In Defense of Animals. “This dog was left to suffer and die in a remote location. We urge anyone with information about this cruel act to come forward. We are determined to find the person responsible for this horrific abuse and hold them accountable since they are a danger to others.”
In Defense of Animals is appealing to the public for any information that may lead to the identification, arrest, and conviction of the person responsible for this act of cruelty. If you have any information on Argon the German Shepherd, please call: 415-879-6879.
German Shepherd Photos provided by In Defense of Animal