Netflix has released the first trailer for “The Imaginary.” The anime film, a first in a multi-picture deal between the streaming giant and the Studio Ponoc, is an adaptation of A.F. Harrold novel, with illustrations by Emily Gravett, that follows Amanda (Evie Kiszel) and her imaginary companion, Rudger (Louie Rudge-Buchanan), as they go on far-off adventures in worlds created by imagination. But when there’s a falling out between the two and they eventually become separated, Rudger experiences an existential crisis. Though, he discovers that he isn’t alone and that there are other imaginary friends like him who reside and work in The Town of Imaginaries. While Rudger has found a home, a new threat emerges that could threaten the imaginaries’ way of life.
“The Imaginary” is directed by Studio Ghibli alum Yoshiyuki Momose (“Porco Rosso,” “Spirited Away”) from a screenplay written by another Studio Ghibli alum Yoshiaki Nishimura (“Howl’s Moving Castle”), and who also produced the film.
The voice cast includes Hayley Atwell, Sky Katz, Jeremy Swift, Kal Penn, LeVar Burton, Jane Singer, Ruby Barnhill, Roger Craig Smith, Courtenay Taylor and Miles Nibbe.
“This is a tale of Rudger, neither human nor animal, who is dismissed by adults as a fake, a mere figment of imagination,” screenwriter and producer Yoshiaki Nishimura said. “Our vision is to be as true as possible to our own stories, founded on our belief in this outrageous and wild fantasy.” The groundbreaking hand-drawn animation of The Imaginary is heightened by first-of-their-kind techniques of light and shadow.
“The Imaginary” debuts on Netflix on July 5, 2024
Here’s the official plot synopsis for “The Imaginary:”
Studio Ponoc’s The Imaginary portrays the depths of humanity and creativity through the eyes of young Amanda and her imaginary companion, Rudger, a boy no one can see, imagined by Amanda to share her thrilling make-believe adventures. But when Rudger, suddenly alone, arrives at The Town of Imaginaries, where forgotten Imaginaries live and find work, he faces a mysterious threat. Directed by renowned animator Yoshiyuki Momose (Spirited Away), The Imaginary is an unforgettable adventure of love, loss, and the healing power of imagination.