Cool, refreshing drinks are a necessity during the hot days of summer. What products remind you of your childhood? Lemonade stands and Country Time remind me of summer and being a kid! I remember having a makeshift lemonade stand with one of my friends. I’m pretty sure we used Country Time Lemonade. Lemonade is definitely a summer staple but honestly I haven’t drank any since I was a kid. As a parent I am concerned with overly sugary drinks and I haven’t considered Country Time for my family.
Country Time and their representatives recently sent me a delightful Country Time pitcher and canister of their classic Lemonade flavor to test out in celebration of summer! I checked out their website and found out that Country Time Lemonade has 40% less sugar than leading regular sodas and is a decent source of Vitamin C. I also noticed on the label that the product is gluten and caffeine free. But you might want to avoid this product if you or anyone in your family is allergic to soy products.
We followed the easy directions by combining the mix with water and ice and within minutes we had tasty lemonade. The taste is exactly how my husband and I remember it…summer sweetness! Yum! Again, I try to keep sugary drinks to a minimum and we do not drink soda. But this is a refreshing drink for the summer. Great for parties (lemonade popsicles!), picnics or that family BBQ you’ll be planning.
Country time also comes in Pink Lemonade, Flavored Lemonades, On the Go Packs and Lite Lemonade (34 calories per serving!). Also, Country Time partners with Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation. They’re helping to raise money for pediatric cancer research. Visit to find out more!
GIVEAWAY – One (1) Winner will receive a Country Time pitcher and canister of Lemonade
REQUIRED ENTRY – What is your favorite summer childhood memory? (Leave a comment in the reply box below this post.)
(Remember if this REQUIRED ENTRY is not followed then no other entries will count)
Bonus Entries – Leave each extra entry in a separate comment.
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- Tweet about this giveaway (Enter to win a Country Time Lemonade and pitcher @thatsitmommy #giveaway)
This giveaway will run through midnight on July 17, 2010 (PST) with winner being announced sometime on or before July 19, 2010 (PST). Winner will be chosen using from all valid entries and notified via email. Winner will have 48 hours to contact us before another winner is chosen. Giveaway is open to U.S. & Canadian (18+) residents only.
* We did not receive monetary compensation for this review. That’s IT Mommy received a Country Time pitcher and Lemonade to facilitate this review. This will in no way sway our opinion of the product or service. The review is in our own words and is our opinion. Your results and opinions may differ.
My favorite childhood memory would have to be playing in the park with my brothers. we had a park right around the corner from out house and we went there daily to swing, play basketball, climb trees, etc.
I miss being a kid sometimes.Would love to go back to those days!
chantal cooper
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Plastic popsicle sticks and hot summers
COUNTRY TIME Drink Mix has a shelf life of up to 24 months
like you on facebook – Lynn McSheehy
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staying out till all hours as a kid, no worries about strangers,and riding my bike all over town
My favorite memory is when I got a dog for the first time! I was only 5 but I still remember it.
My favorite is the time I learned to finally jump off the high diving board.
spending every summer at La Push with my brother and parents.
Thanks for the chance.
Growing up we lived near woods that had a stream running through it. My sister, cousin and I would make paper boats or boats out of any household castaway item and take them down to the stream and float them in the water. Sometimes we’d make boats out of cardboard and take our old Barbie dolls down there to float them on makeshift “yachts”. That is until the day we all saw a snake in the water…eeek! We were much more careful about our boat-floating after that.
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I learned that in 1990 — Country Time powdered iced tea mix appears in Canada for the first time
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Swimming! Sometimes with friends and sometimes just with family.
Mt favorite memory is of visiting relatives in the country
rmartinclarke at gmail dot com
My favorite memory is of running in the sprinklers every summer.
Country Time lemonade flavor drink mix was born in 1976!
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lazybones344 at gmail dot com
My favorite childhood memory would be drippy castles at the beach with my 4 siblings!
It’s great to know that country time has a light lemonade, and it’s only 35 calories per serving!
My favorite summer childhood memory is dancing on the patio with my mom and siblings. My mother would set up her ironing board on the patio in the backyard and play her 8 track tapes. We’d all start singing and dancing. Thanks for the review and giveaway!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
I learned that if you can’t find a certain variety of Country Time in your area, you can visit and order online.
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We had a pool when I was a teenager….so my days were filled with swimming, swimming, swimming. That is definitely my fave memories…swimming and listening to the waterproof radio.
artsyrockerchick at aim dot com
we use to swim at the lake all summer long
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Going to the beach with my mom.
Running through the sprinklers in the park in Brooklyn when I was on summer vacation at my aunt’s and uncle’s.
My favorite memory would be when we went to the Thousand Islands on the St. Lawrence River and camped in a tent.
My favorite summer memory is catching fireflies and then releasing them at my grandmother’s house in the summer.
My favorite summer time memory is getting to go to Florida every other year and getting to go to the beach in Miami.
lfhpueblo at msn dot com
I learned that their very first spokesman was Grandpa.
It must have been their grandpa, it wasn’t mine. LOL.
lfhpueblo at msn dot com
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lfhpueblo at msn dot com
I “Like” you on facebook and left a message on your wall under your Country Time post.
Lauralee Hensley
I remember going to the public pool and buying penny candy
favorite memory is playing kickball with the neighbor kids in the street
Waterskiing with my family. Thanks for the giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
My favorite childhood memory is visiting our local amusement park Geauga Lake!!
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I learned that Countrytime is partnered with Alex’s Lemonade Stand to raise money for pediatric cancer research.
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I like you on facebook.Shari D
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Going swimming over my neighbors in their new pool.
sounds great
My favorite summerhood memory was going outside and sitting on the big rock in our backyard and being amazed that there was “no air”. The temperature was so perfect that it wasn’t cool or warm – it felt like it wasn’t there at all.
My favorite memory is watching fireworks over the lake on July 4th. We still do this…
My favorite Summer childhood memory is going swimming in the creek by our house. Groups of us would get together and go to “the rock” and take turns jumping off in the swimming hole.
I remember selling lemonade, playing in the river, and eating Flintstones Push Ups.
Country Time is made with natural flavors.
My memories are of vacationing with my mom at 19 yrs old and family reunions at grandma’s
nightowlmamablogs at gmail dot com
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always going to the cape/beach with my family
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Visiting my great aunt in Hackensack NJ, and swimming in the town pool
My favorite summertime childhood memory is escaping the heat and hanging out in the library and reading Seventeen and Teen magazines.
My favorite summertime memory is going to my grandparent’s farm once a week for lunch.Many of my relatives would come too and all the women would play Yahtzee.
smchester at gmail dot com
Going fishing with my uncle.
We used to have this giant tree in our backyard. I rememeber I would climb the tree all the time. Then one day I climbed a litte too high and got stuck. I remember my mom had to get the ladder and tr to bring me down. I remember she got me down and then gave me ice cream and took me shopping for coloring books so I wouldn’t climb trees.
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My neighbor Tammy and I would set up the tent and make mud pies on the camping stove.
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1998 — Country Time adds a new flavor to the mix! Lemonade Iced Tea drink mix is introduced, combining good old-fashioned lemonade and iced tea. My favorite.
addictionsfb at gmail dot com
I loved it when all are are aunts, uncles, cousins go to the lake house and just have fun and enjoy our summer. The best ever! Wish I still was young LOL
showmemama at ymail dot com
I have learned that COUNTRY TIME Drink Mix should be stored in a cool, dry place, such as your pantry.
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Swimming in the park’s Snoopy pool.
my favorite summer time memory is when my entire family got together when my great grandparents were alive. We all met at their house. They have a big farm. Now my family doesn’t get along and it’s sad that they haven’t talked in about 7 years.
It lasts for four days in the fridge.
mine is swimming in my g’parents pool!
My favorite summertime memory was helping make strawberry ice cream with an old-fashioned crankable ice cream maker after a day at the beach.
Thank you for the giveaway!
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
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I learned that Country Time flavor drink mix was “born” in 1976. (It’s a year older than me!)
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I entered the Avatar: The Last Airbender giveaway. Entry #1!
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I entered the Avatar: The Last Airbender giveaway. Entry #2!
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I entered the Avatar: The Last Airbender giveaway. Entry #3!
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My favorite childhood summer memories are going to Surf Camp with my sister and our best childhood friends. Nothing was better than being in the sand and ocean all day! Coincidentally, they used to have a big drink container full of Country Time set up all day long in case you were thirsty after a surf or a swim.
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
My favorite summer childhood memory was having picnic inside the house when it was too hot to have one outside. (1 entry) On the website I learned that the lemonade only has 35 calories (1 entry.
My favorite summer memory is the long hot afternoons at the city pool, a veritable Peyton Place of teenage intrigue.
Thanks for the chance to win!
ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com
Fav childhood memory is selling lemonade outside on summer days! I would also get a few other kids on the block and we’d go door-to-door washing neighbors’ cars for cash.
Then, we’d ride our bikes to Thrifty for ice cream.
my favorite childhood memory was playing hide and seek on summer nights in the yard with family/friends
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Playing at in the lake at my grandparents house with my cousins. My granddady passed away on Mother’s Day, so those memories are especially dear now.
I remember being small and running around the yard in the twilight that seemed to last forever. Those long evenings seemed magical to me then, especially when we got to stay up so late.
going fishing with my mom and dad on the copano bay causeway
My favorite summertime childhood memory is of playing softball games at the park all summer long and practicing like crazy and after it was all over, we would all go to the pool at the park
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Hiding in the bushes from my grandpa and eating whole gallons of pickles with my year older than me uncle!!
My favorite summer childhood memory is when I saw wild horses for the first time.
My favorite summertime memory is picking up shells on the beach with my dad.
What is your favorite summer childhood memory? Favorite childhood memory is going to the boardwalk with my Dad and eating all the cotton candy and sno cones I could
I learned that when the product contains “natural flavor,” it means that the flavor is made using an essential oil, essence or extract taken from a natural source like a spice, fruit or plant. In other words, the flavor is not synthetically manufactured
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I remember one summer when I was about 10 years old, we had an outbreak of locusts. Gross right? But when you’re a kid, this is fabulous. We played a game where you couldn’t step anywhere unless you stepped on a grasshopper. Good times that I would never recommend to any adult hehe
Playing kick ball with my family at family picnics when I was a kid
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My favorite summer memory is nights on the beach.
My favorite summer childhood memory is making mud pies and baking them on the upside down red wagon.
Going fishing with my dad!
My favorite summertime memories as a child are all of the weeks that we spent at the lake swimming, fishing and skiing.
Thank you so much for the giveaway.
I am subscribed via email as jweezie43[at]gmail[dot]com.
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My favorite childhood memory would be the lake cabin my parents rented each year during the summer months
My favorite memory is of making snow cones with my Snoopy Snow Cone Maker.
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
my favorite memory is spending 2 weeks in a youth camp up in the mountains – first time away from my parents
1976 — Country Time lemonade flavor drink mix is born! Our very first spokesperson is Grandpa, the best judge of good old fashioned taste.
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Favorite memory is playing with all the kids in the neighborhood in our tree fort.
Like t.h.a.t.s.I.T. mommy on FB (Lona W)
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Visting my grandma at the ranch she cooked at.
Camping in the back of a truck with a cab on it. And fishing. We had a lot of fun fishing.
when my parents took me to disney!
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Making homemade peppermint ice cream!
Playing horseshoes at the park which was a couple blocks from my house with my dad and then playing on the rides afterwards. watching boats on the river as we lived near the river too
My favorite summer memory is going up north to my grandparents’ cottage and swimming.
I learned that Country Time lemonade is younger than me. I had no idea! It seems like it’s been around forever….what does that say about me?
also entered the Boon potty bench giveaway.
also entered the Boon potty bench giveaway 2.
also entered the boon potty bench giveaway. 3
Running in the sprinkler with the neighborhood kids on really hot days
My fav0rite memory involves all the kids in the neighborhood playing Hide& Seek at twilight while all the parents go together on a front porch to watch over us.
Learning to waterski in Lake Geneva when I was quite younger is my favorite summer memory!
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I entered the Colgate giveaway.
My favorite summer memories are of my brother, uncle and I going outside everyday playing our hearts out and not coming in until mom yelled that supper was ready. …
I didn’t know Country time was “Born” in 1976 …
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Learned the Country Time Lemonade and Pink Lemonade have 16 grams of sugar compared to the leading regular sodas which have 27 grams of sugar per 8 fl oz serving
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My favorite childhood memory of summer is having lemonade stands with my best friend. We would spend hours decorating our stand with hand made paper chains and colorful signs. One time we got our picture in the paper in front of our stand. So much fun!
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Staying up late and going outside in the dark to catch lightning bugs.
cthompson1477@gmail dot com
playing with my brother and fighting with him
COUNTRY TIME Drink Mix has a shelf life of up to 24 months
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Thanks for the giveaway…favorite summertime memory as a kid was our annual visit to my Grandparents Dairy Farm !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
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My favorite childhood memory is going camping with my
family at the lake and catching my first fish.
I learned that Country Time is the Official Lemonade of Alex’s Lemonade Stand
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My favorite summertime memory is picking strawberries and blackberries when I was a child.
Going to water parks with my cousins.
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My favorite childhood memory is swinging across the canal on the old rope & hanging out with cousins all day.
I remember swimming in a lake called “Joyland”.
I learned they make strawberry lemonade.
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