A few of us parent bloggers asked Carlos Saldahna a few questions about the film.
Q: RIO 2 seems even more vibrant than the original. When creating this new world to explore, did you know exactly which pieces from the first film to build off of?
“We were pushing for impact of color palette. Even as colorful as I made it, I don’t feel like it’s colorful enough. When you go to the jungle and you see it live, the color of those birds is so bright. I keep trying to aim for nature since nature did such a perfect job and I try to make sure how we can replicate that. We worked really hard finding the palette. The first movie was a lot of city – even though we had the color of the sky and the buildings, we fall into familiar ground. Now in the second one, since we go to the Amazon, we said, ‘Let’s push it.’ I have an amazing art director, Tom Cardone, that when we talked about the jungle, he said the color is in the detail – with the orchids that grow in the trees. It’s in layers. I had a vision of the color, but when I saw the first frames coming out of the art department, I was blown away.”
Q: It sounds like the process was very collaborative with your performers and actors. Do they come to the table with a lot of input?
“Yes. They do. Again, I’m not musical – I have a rhythm in my head but it doesn’t translate to my body. Seeing these guys in action was incredible. When I went to talk to the Barbatuques guys, they gave me five demos of songs. Unfortunately, I could only put three of them in the movie but I loved all of them. [The artists] always came with a lot to offer. And if they don’t, we’d work with them. Bruno Mars wasn’t supposed to sing. He was just an actor we wanted to be a part of it. Luckily, if we could get him to sing that’d be awesome. But that comes out of how much input they give. That’s the key for these movies to succeed. I’m responsible for keeping the sanity and controlling the integrity of the vision I have a movie for. It would be a shame if I kept that to myself. When these artists come in with way more input, talent and ideas, I filter them to fit my story. I’m always open.”
Q: What did you do to achieve the film’s realism?
“The movie is a nice hybrid of realism and fantasy – of creation. We had done a lot of the research when we did the first movie – for the beak and the feathers and all that. But for the Amazon, I went. I took my children with me. Because the movie is about taking your family to the unknown, I wanted them to experience it. At first there was no appeal to them. They were like, ‘Really?! What kind of bugs do they have there? It’s gonna be super hot.’ That was one of the best family vacations we had together. The lushness of it – the scale of it. The size of the river, of the trees and the different animals. They went into the water even though five minutes before we fished for piranhas in that water. We swam with freshwater dolphins in the middle of the jungle and they’re pink! There were all these discoveries. I wanted to bring that into the movie. The details will allow you to connect with the film.”
Q: Do you have plans to build from this universe further through shorts or another sequel?
“I have tons of ideas. Once you’ve connected with the characters, you have so many stories to tell. It’s like our family – you can write books about your family. It doesn’t take much work. That’s the territory I tap into and I know there’s plenty more to tell. It all depends on how the schedules shape up. I’m already scheduled to direct other films. If people enjoy this one, maybe we’ll think about a third.”
RIO 2 opens on April 11.
Courtney Howard is the Senior Editor/LA Correspondent for VeryAware.com. She also is a contributing writer for ReelVixen.com. She resides in Southern California with her husband and perfect little dachshund.
* Courtney attended a media event to facilitate this review.
Will you be making a Rio 3 or a series?
If so, here’s an idea, Blu finds his parents or they find him or they just bump into each other and explain why they had to leave him when he was a baby
i dont have a good idea for what the movie could be about but it would be a good idea to do it aaround 2016 when the Olympics in on in Rio
Maybe Blu, Jewel, Rafael, Luiz, Nico, Pedro, Tiago, Carla and Bia can go to Sao Paulo on the way back to Rio de Janeiro
Nico, Pedro and Luiz can get love interest
I’d like to see the doc use the ‘latest medical advances’ and fix up Nigel. Then they all travel to Australia to set Nigel free in his native environment.
If you guys are making Rio 3 or a series, I had the idea for a long time that maybeJewel has a sister, and her sister finds her way home. Also, Roberto may find love with Jewel’s sister, since in Rio 2, he said that he would like to raise a family too. Blu finds his parents too, and after all those years, they finally meet.
What I meant in my post on May 1st, I meant that maybe Blu’s family was captured, and when his family gets there (Blu, Jewel and their children), Jewel finds out that her sister was also captured there (other rare birds were also captured there). Maybe Roberto came along with Blu, Jewel and their children because Edwardo told Jewel that she would take along his best birds.
Here’s an idea: during the ending or after the 1st movie and before the 2nd, why don’t you go back to Rio and bring up some stories about each of Blu’s and Jewel’s kids of how they first came to birth and what makes them gives their own individuality: such as how did Carla grew to be larger than life, has a love of music and singing like her mother and gains a ipod, how did Bia become book-smart and very knowledge like her father and a curiosity of exploring and learning, and why is Tiago mischievous and hyperactive?
Maybe you can show what happens to Roberto and the positive future of Blu and Jewel.
I don’t care what Rio 3 is about or what happens in it, as long as Charlie the anteater is in Rio 3 SOMEHOW, I’ll be happy.
Me too but it is awesome friend to catch Gupta in his tongue in hfr 3d or a duet films when is 2 world instead between Ice age and rio before the tv series
I hope they make a Rio 3 if Blu,Jewel,and the gang go somewhere maybe it could be hawii the music should be more catchy, brazillian and hawaiian with a better rhythm and I hope the plot will be better and not too rushed with too many plotholes I also want to know what happens to Nigel and Gabi in the 3rd movie please make Rio 3! I hope it’ll be funnier, musical,and better than the first two.
Oh and also if Nigel catches up with Blu again I wanna see them get into a real bird battle other than slapping each other hanging upside down like in the 2nd movie it can still be a little funny but I wanna see a real battle, not the gory kind I too be specific it is a kids movie
I don’t Care what story you come up with but please let there be a Rio 3 am so in Love with Blu and his Family and every thing about Rio. Would so Love a rio 3
oh pls make a rio 3 i was really enjoying this i dont know whatto say
I want Rio 3 to be musical and maybe Roberto can die in here so there will be a saddest scene or maybe just a normal happy ending .Oh and I also want this movie to be a little bit not for kids
I love Rio 1,2 and I love Bruno Mars so please make Rio 3 movie.I LOVE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH
I love both Rio movie and I really want to see the third one. But may be on some
screen and story better be make for SOME adult to accept it. On Rio 3, I want to see the expand story and detail from both previous movie by still using family theme. That may be show more about Blu’s life, family, community, new friend and more profile on some characters for example Blu’s kid, Jewel, Rafael, Roberto ect. And show how Blu is very different from another bird because of his knowledge about human. For the plot, At the first part of movie I want to see Blu’s family normal life in Amazon and in Rio. In Amazon Blu is a teacher, teaching knowledge about the whole world that he learn from human while in Rio Blu got few new good friend which he rescue from Rio-1. And also show more bonds and how much they important to each other in Blu family. At last, and my favorite part, I love to see more when Blu and Jewel do romantic, it very cute<3
I loved Rio 1&2 but I would want Rio 3 to be very new something different. Though one suggestion I have is maybe put some more points in the movie where jewel sings, she does have a beautiful singing voice. Really looking forward to number 3 hope it turns out good. Though I think it will be good and you might be seeing another comment or two as I get ideas.
The whole Blu finding his parents is a good idea but I feel it would need to be a little different cause that whole thing has been done before, though I would be surprised if anyone could think of a completely new thing to put in. And I kinda want some back story on Blu. Love these movies, keep making them.
OK so I think this is a long shot, but my idea is that jewel is searching for food on the outskirts of their little haven cause the food was running out in the area they usually get it and is once again captured by the smugglers from the first movie and blue has to go save her. That’s about as far as I got. Of course you might not want to do the whole chained together thing again cause now blue can fly, unless you made it so that jewel could not fly for some reason. Been thinking for a while and this is the best I could come up with. Once again, love these movies.
OK, so once again I have an idea. I saw the comment about Blu finding his parents and I saw the whole thing about them going to someplace like hawaii or something, but I thought to put all of the ideas into one. So jewel gets smuggled overseas and Blu goes to find her and finds his parents in the process. Not my best but I thought I might as well share it to see if I could inspire someone to a better idea.
hey guys ive been reading all the coments and think its a great idea for jewel to get captured and smuggled to someplace were in a dramatic attempt blu flys after them while the kids stay with jewels dad and the kids fly after blu to help and meanwhile jewel finds out that blu’s parents were smuggled to the same place where jewel was smuggled to and while blu follows the tracks to find jewel, jewel finds out how blu and his parents got separated and BIG SHOCK while blu’s parents have been held captive they had another son which is blu’s brother
Hey, so here is an idea. Instead of bringing Nigel back, he should have a family member or childhood friend that wants to avenge him.