Thor: Ragnarok is in theaters nationwide and is rated PG 13.
As a kid, I loved the stories of Greek Mythology. I read the tales of Gods and Goddesses, over and over. I think this is why I really took to Thor.
Thor is a Norse God, and similar to Zeus. Both are the Gods of Thunder, and possess insane strength.
Thor is a warrior, an original Avenger and acts honorably. I love the way he talks, and he has a bad ass hammer. He’s funny, can manipulate the weather, and what truly makes him a hero is his willingness to die for others. And now he’s back in “Thor: Ragnarok” enjoying a beer, and learning he has a sister. It must be hard when both of your siblings are villians. Thor gets acquainted real quick, and has to save the Asgardian people from Hera.
Thor: Rangarok is perfect blend of what makes a good super hero film. The film makers went to the comic books for source material, the action sequences are amazing and it’s hilarious.
Here are the reasons why I love the film. Starting with LOL
It’s funny. I love the humor, the film doesn’t take itself that seriously. Someone said to me that there was too much humor, and that it was forced. He felt the film was trying to be like Guardians of the Galaxy. GOT is fabulous, but all superhero films have a tinge of humor. I mean. It’s not real! Also, has he seen the other Thor films? They are funny. Maybe the Directors amped up the humor on this one, but there are serious things happening in this country. We need the laughs. I need a movie that can make me laugh, offer distraction, and wow me with effects. A movie to impress me with the storyline and make me laugh, over and over again. For me, there’s never enough funny. All of the Marvel films have a touch of it, and I welcome it.
Loki and Thor -is there another set of brothers like them? Chris Helmsworth and Tom Hiddleston have tremendous chemistry. You don’t know who to root for – they are both handsome, witty and determined! I do hope that Loki stays bad. That is part of the synergy of the film. Most people can relate to dysfunctional sibling rivalry.

Marvel Studios’ THOR: RAGNAROK..L to R: Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston)..Ph: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2017
Speaking of siblings – Hela is a force not to be reckoned with – a woman can crush Thor’s hammer!? Yes! Hela is a fierce. strong antagonist which is exciting. Cate Blanchett does this role justice

Marvel Studios’ THOR: RAGNAROK..L to R: Hela (Cate Blanchett) and Skurge (Karl Urban)..Ph: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2017
Women. This film is inclusive of women, as well as minorities. The women kick butt along side their male counterparts. Tess Thompson plays Valkyrie a _ female warrior from Asgard but has lost her way. She drinks. She fights and has a spot for Hulk.

Marvel Studios’ THOR: RAGNAROK..Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson)..Ph: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2017
Hulk – how can you not love him? He’s a tormented guy that you really don’t want to make angry. I grew up watching the Hulk TV series. I adored Bill Bixby as Bruce Banner. So the Hulk character is definietly nostalgic for me. But in the MCU we haven’t seen much of the Hulk lately, and we find out where he’s been in Thor: Ragnarok. He seems like an oversized child, but I do have to say that the graphics are a bit over the top. He doesn’t look real, but the visuals definitley harness a comic book feel. But more so then the big geeen guy, I enjoyed seeing more of Mark Ruffalo who looks really good in a Duran Duran t-shirt.
Music – We’ve all been watching the trailers and hearing Led Zepplin’s Immigrant Song.
Read the lyrics:
We come from the land of the ice and snow
From the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow
The hammer of the gods
We’ll drive our ships to new lands
To fight the horde, and sing and cry
This song rules!
Not on earth – I like that the film mostly takes place in the galaxy. All of the other films and previous Thor films feature NY. it was really cool to see more of Asgard and other planets. The space age environment made the film feel a little more Guardians of the Galaxy, then the humor did.
Thor is vulnerable. Thor is having a series of unfortunate events. He loses his hammer, he is imprisoned, he involuntarily gets his hair cut and he even loses an eye. Thor goes through a bit of a transition, and finds himself especially when his hammer is destroyed. Definitely brings his ego down a notch. He mentions to his father that he’s nothing without his hammer, but he quickly looks within and realizes that’s he’s not living up to his full potential.