The highly-anticipated MALEFICENT is in theaters and Fandango and That’s IT Mommy want you to see it! One lucky winner will win a $50 Fandango gift card displaying the glorious Mistress of Evil! Have you ever wondered what Maleficent’s deal really was? Why she cast an evil spell on innocent baby Aurora? Disney explains it all in this modern twist of a classic fairy tale.
BTW have you visited Fandango lately? Fandango’s site has had a facelift and they have developed new mobile apps for movie-goers! I’m impressed with the site’s new look and as a parent, appreciate their family features! Fandango Family is a one-stop movie resource for parents where you can find special offers and great information on movies! And, while you’re clicking around check out Fandango’s two new family-friendly video series,” Mom’s Movie Minute and “Reel Kids“.
* We received a gift card for editorial purposes. The review is in our own words and is our opinion. This giveaway will run through 9pm (PST) June 6, 2014. Winner will be chosen using from all valid entries and notified via email. Winner will have 48 hours to contact us before another winner is chosen. Giveaway is open to U.S. (18+) residents only.
Giveaway item was provided by Sponsor. This will in no way sway our opinion of the product or service. The review is in our own words and is our opinion. Your results and opinions may differ.
I think she was hurt badly and betrayed so terribly that it made her evil and lonely
Something happen to her .
Unrequited love makes Maleficent revengeful.
Dysfunctional family or chemical imbalance?
Mental Illness.. no doubt
Someone hurt her and she seeks revenge on everyone
She was never loved.
It’s all that pent up anger from the papparazzi stalking her
Someone in her past betrayed her.
She’s a woman scorned.
commented here–
She had a sad childhood and her heart was broken too many times by the important people in her life and she is so angry and mad that she turned evil.
I think that someone broke her heart when she was younger.
she is misunderstood, i’ve said that even as a kid. The biggest party in the world, and she is the only one not invited, they had it coming! lol
Everyone fears a strong woman.
Bad haircut.
Bad day.
Something terrible must have happened to her to make her that way.
She was born a sociopath. There is no explanation for evil, it just is.
I think someone broke her heart.
She had bad parents.
she’s bitter inside
I think she had some negativity in her life which caused bitterness
I think at one point she was exiled and that bred animosity towards those that banished her.
i think a neglected childhood followed by adultorous husband
I think she is just evil or maybe she gave up sweets.
She was very hurt
She must have been through a lot in her life…
She had a previous rocky marriage.
maybe Mental Illness?
I would guess a tough childhood.
She had a bad childhood.
She was betrayed in some way or is just misunderstood.
Something bad must have happen to her.
For the Fandango Facebook page, it’s showing up as Monster High for me in the Rafflecopter.
I think she was picked on or bullied when she was younger. Thank you!
i think she was just fed up!
I think her evilness is related to being betrayed by someone she loved and wanting to hurt them as much as she was hurt.
She probably was never loved or was betrayed.
I think she lacks self confidence. Or she was slighted when she was growing up and carries that resentment.
Someone broke up her marriage
She wasn’t loved enough as a child
Maybe she is evil due to a bad childhood, or experiences growing up?
Entered the rafflecopter form as “Wild Orchid”
Thanks for the chance to win!
wildorchid985 at gmail dot com
I think she is lonely.
I think she is misunderstood.
Maybe she felt unloved as a child.
she feels unloved
A Broken Heart
Alas, so often, an assertive, very horny woman is misunderstood by many, and consequently rejected by the small-minded in a unjust manner, leading to an source of anger.
I think that she is misunderstood.
I think deep inside she’s really afraid and weak, but she’s scared to show it.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
No love growing up!
I think she has emotional issues because of a betrayal.
I think Disney always has to have an evil no matter what it keeps it exciting.
I think she was unloved as a child and bullied.
I think she just wanted to fit in with everyone else.
She just needs a Hug.
I think Maleficent has a evil heart form the beginning and this what made her evil. She was just a bad egg. I want to thank you for this awesome sweep and I love the movie
Someone hurt her feelings.
Maybe someone has hurt her and she has not yet forgiven them
commented here –
I think all her life she was ridiculed and made to feel ugly or not good enough. She lashes out on others as a result of her pain. She does not know that there are other ways to handle stressful situations. She is truly hurting inside.
I think she just doesn’t like to see anyone else have good fortune.
I think she has never experienced love from anyone. She cannot understand what niceness and love is.
I think she woke up at the wrong side of the bed
I think she is so evil because she is bitter because she should be the rightful heir to the crown!
She probably started out good but then bad things happened to her. Life was unfair and she wanted to get back at the world for slighting her. I bet there’s still some good in there
I Think Someone Broke Her Heart, She Has Suffered A Great Loss In Her Life.
No one loves her.
I think she endured some abuse.
because her husband went to work on a project and ended up leaving her for the woman he worked with.
She probably was abused as a child (verbally and possibly physically).
She was probably raised badly from her parents.
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She felt wronged by the king or the other faeries
Someone hurt her and she seeks revenge
She has a history of betrayal.
I’d say someone hurt her and she is seeking revenge now.
people were mean to her so she is mean
Probably because she was wronged in the past.
I’m guessing a bad relationship with her mother.
I also commented on the interview post –
I think she was wronged. I really can’t wait to see the back story.
She was a fairy who lost her wings and the King was evil to her which turned her evil
She was hurt in her past and now she seeks revenge.
Apparently Maleficent felt left out as a child and has to take her anger out on others. She just needs someone to love her and she won’t be so evil.
She has a hard time with grudges…after all, she wasn’t invited to that birthday party. She’s just misunderstood.
Past trauma leading to future insecurities and rage.
Someone killed someone she loved? Who knows?
She was a spoiled child and was used to getting everything her way so when it didn’t go her way, she became evil!
Maybe she was a spoiled child!
I think she was betrayed by someone she loves.
shes just evil.
She was betrayed by the one she loved
She is so evil because she never received enough love when she was younger!
Someone hurt her and she seeks revenge on everyone
I think she’s a jilted lover
She just wants to be loved!
I think she is drunk on power and control.
She is just like my EX Mother in law but they don’t have the same looks hahaha
Someone in her past betrayed her.
She has had a rough life?
i think it must be unrequited love
She’s having a bad horn day.
something tradgic happened to her and she doesnt deal with it well.
must be human
i think she was hurt by someone in the past and now she doesnt know how to trust so she has to be mean and control everything.
I would think that wearing that headgear that looks so incredibly uncomfortable has given her a nasty attitude.
She is evil because she is mad at someone. Someone did something very mean to her.
It always seems revenge is the cause.
She had everything taken from her. Revenge can lead you down a horrible path.
No family.
I think something terrible happened in her life and that event led her to evil.
I don’t know. Some people are just naturally ugly.
I think she has major jealousy issues.
shes a typical victim? hard life so make everyone else pay for it. lol.
She played too many violent video games growing up.
She’s just jealous.
She was never loved so now she is taking it out on everyone.
I saw the movie so the answer has to do with a power hungry guy breaking her heart lol.I actually felt so bad for her but absolutely loved this movie.
She has a dark heart.
She was bullied as a child
I am not sure, but will know after I watch the movie!
I plan on finding out next weekend. I expect something happened to her.
I think she is a woman scorned!
She wasn’t loved growing up
I think she was hurt and seeking revenge.
She just got too wrapped up in vengeance. I was happy to see that there was some good there, too!
I think she is evil because no one liked her as a kid.
maybe she doesn’t like being attacked by a nearby village
She feels she was wronged and wants revenge
I think it’s out of self-preservation.
not seen the movie yet.but mean people are usually mean cause that is how they was love shown
i haven’t seen the movie or the trailer but i am guessing she is crazy.
Someone broke up with her, and she is now seeking revenge.
A man done her wrong, of course.
I think she didnt feel included so had to make people pay
The “significant other” never did what she wanted and asked. Thank you
She probably was treated bad as a child.
I think maybe she was abused as a child.
its because of jealousy, just like all the other villans
Bad Parents
I have no idea. But, if she’s as skinny as Angelina Jolie, maybe she just wants a cheeseburger. I assume it’s because of jealousy of Aurora’s youth and beauty.
I think she is so evil because her head hurts from those horns all the time!
Man done her wrong and she is a scorned woman
Something happened in her past to make her evil.
I think that even though her past has made her evil toward others she still has a soft spot for the very young because of their innocence.
I think she feels like she was wronged in some way and wants revenge for it.
i wish i understood why anyone in this world were evil. i guess we could blame it on what most people do and say she had a horrible upbringing.
She has no heart.
I suspect a combination of jealousy and power. Thank you for the chance to win.
I think she’s evil because she has anger and jealousy
from her past
She’s just misunderstood!
Bad hair day
I think she’s evil because of bad experiences in her life.
Jealousy and power
Something bad happened to her
She needs to be ‘loved’. Women get evil when it has been awhile since they have gotten any……
I think she was born evil.
Something in her past, maybe being abused?
It was the Heathers.
I think she is jealous and evil and mean..maybe she is just sad from love ??
I think she just likes to be evil.
I am not sure what Maleficent’s deal is because I have not seen the movie yet. Maybe she was cursed, betrayed by love, or felt the need to get revenge because she was denied the great things in life.
I think she is so bad because someone hurt her.
Bipolar? That could be it.
She must be really sad and lonely.
I have no idea, maybe she was bullied by someone and then decided to do the same to others.
She was never loved.
Thanks for the giveaway…Narcissistic Personality Disorder !!!
I haven’t got to watch it yet, so i can’t really put honest input there. But surely she didn’t become evil out of nowhere!
She had a bad childhood.
She just doesn’t like people.