Last year for Christmas, my older two daughters (now 8 and 7) were given Nintendo DS is as their gift from Santa. I was dubious at first, but once we had one peaceful two-hour drive to my in-laws’ house, I was absolutely in love with them! Since then, I’ve tried my best to find fun and challenging games for their handheld systems; fun is key, certainly, but I’ve also tried to find ones that are different than your usual drive-around-the-track type of game (which they adore anyway!).
Recently, we had the opportunity to take a look at and try out the VicTORIous Hollywood Arts Debut game for the Nintendo DS. My girls haven’t seen the actual show on Nickelodeon much, but knew the premise of it and were excited to see what the game was all about. In the game, you are a member of Hollywood Arts High School with Tori Vega as you complete different challenges, collect items from the show and participate in talent contests and adventures. Both of my girls loved that you could create your own character and customize him or her with various styles of clothing, accessories….even locker décor! Many of the stars of the show are included in the game, and you can journey with them around Hollywood Arts, finding hidden items and unlockables around certain corners. There are even mini-games, like singing and dancing with Tori that is done using the DS stylus pen (this is, by far, the girls’ favorite feature). I have watched them play the game individually a couple of times now, and I found that it is both entertaining (even for me, just a bystander) and easy to follow. My 7-year-old had no problem maneuvering the adventure games and I appreciated the clear graphics and easy-to-follow directions. When it’s their allotted video game, at least one of them has been playing it since we received it; and that’s the best indicator of a great game in my book!
Rated E for everyone, the VicTORIous Hollywood Arts Debut Nintendo DS game retails for approximately $22 and is distributed by D3Publisher. Check it out! – Jessica
GIVEAWAY: One (1) That’s IT Mommy reader will receive VicTORIous Nintendo DS game. This giveaway is open to US residents only (18+). Ends 1/24/12.
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*This giveaway will run through midnight on January 24, 2012 (PST). Winner will be chosen using from all valid entries and notified via email. Winner will have 48 hours to contact us before another winner is chosen. Giveaway is open to U.S. (18+) residents only.
* We did not receive monetary compensation or product for this review. Giveaway item will be provided by sponsor. Sponsor has the right to refuse filling prize for duplicate winners from other blogs. This will in no way sway our opinion of the product or service. The review is in our own words and is our opinion. Your results and opinions may differ.
* We did not receive monetary compensation or product for this review. This will in no way sway our opinion of the product or service. The review is in our own words and is our opinion. Your results and opinions may differ.
I like the Coraline game for the Wii.
We want this game! My daughter loves this show~!
I want Astro Boy for the Wii
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I also like the shaun the sheep ds game. Looks like it would be cute
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Dream Trigger 3d looks fun
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I’d love to get Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction for Nintendo DS! marthalynn16 (at) gmail (dot) com
i like astro boy.
My nephew would love the Ben 10 Alien Force game for the Wii.
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Another game I’d like is Despicable Me.
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Puzzle Quest for DS looks like fun.
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Ben 10!!
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I’d love to have the Yogi Bear for DS for my daughter.
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I like the Coraline game for the Wii.
Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
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The astro boy game sounds good.
I would like the Family Party: 30 Great Games Winter Fun for the Wii.
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yogi bear the video game
Family party 90 great games party pack
Astro Boy for the Wii
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Id like Dream Trigger3d
Thanks for the chance.
I like Astro Boy for DS. I thank want to thank you for this fantastic sweep and hope to win
enter me thanks
I like Astro Boy for Nintendo DS.
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earth defense force!!
BEN 10: Protector of Earth
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I’d also like Dream Trigger 3D for my son.
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i like ben 10 alien force for wii
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The YOGI BEAR: The Video Game looks like fun.
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I would like to try Puzzle Quest 2. lnb1191(at)aol(dot)com
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i’d probably like shaun the sheep on ds. seems cute, but i wonder how it plays…
Coraline game for Wii for sure!!!
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Astro Boy for DS would be great for my kiddos!
the astro boy wii
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Blue Dragon: Awakened Shadow definitely~
I think the YOGI BEAR: The Video Game looks like fun
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I also like the Kid Adventures: Sky Captain game.
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Astro Boy for the Wii
astro boy
I’d like the Rocket Bowl game.
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my niece would love this
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like teh coraline game
The White Knight Chronicles sounds good, too!
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I would love astro boy for wii
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Yogi Bear: The Video Game looks fun too.
Yogi bear the video game for ds. I would get it
For my DD.
I would personally like the Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2011 for Wii game. Thanks so much for hosting this great giveaway, my oldest daughter love Victorious!
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astro boy looks fun too!
Astro Boy for play station 3 please or any game for play station
White Knight Chronicles III
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Dark Sector looks awesome.
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I think the Family Party: 30 Great Games™ Outdoor Fun for Wii looks cool. LeanS12(at)gmail(dot)com
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My son would like Ben 10 galactic racing.
I entered the kai-bean-clothing-for-boys giveaway.
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I would get Astro Boy for Wii
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Family Party 90 Great Games Party Pack looks like fun!
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Family Party 90 Great Games Party Pack
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My son wants Astro Boy
Anthing Ben 10 is a huge hit with my son and he’s been asking for this game!
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I liked the Ben10 Galactic Racing
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I like Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords for ps2
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I also like the Yogi Bear video game!
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Yogi Bear game for Wii
Astro Boy !!
My kids still love brain age, they like to compete against each other
My kids would love the 90 Great Games Party Pack!
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The 90 Great Games Family Pack looks like a lot of fun!
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Galactic Racing sounds like fun!
i like Angler’s Club: Ultimate Bass Fishing™ 3D
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I like Gods Eater Burst
I like the coraline game.
We like the Victorious time to shine for Kinect
Puzzle Quest 2 looks like a lot of fun, too
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Thanks for the great contest!
I would like to play white knight chronicles 2
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I would like White Knight Chronicles.
I also like Victorious Time To Shine
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Yogi Bear looks like another cute game!!! I like that one as well!
I’d like to try Ben 10 Galactic Racer.
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