I was provided a download code to play and review Squids Odyssey on my Wii U. Opinions are 100% my own.
I have never played any of the Squids video games before and so this was my very first experience with the franchise. I looked at the trailer (below) and thought it looked like it would be fun so I was excited to start. I also liked how the game was playable on the Wii U Gamepad alone and that always works well for me to catch up on TV shows while I play games. The game is turn based play where you play as a the different squids from your assembled team. The longer you play, the more squids you end up acquiring for your team. You can then decide which of the squids will play in each level. Each squid has their own set of strengths and weaknesses so it is strategic in which ones you pick for each level of play.
There are squids that are fast and can make multiples moves. There are are healer squids, shooter squids and squids that can stomp the ground and damage multiple enemies at the same time.

Then you can upgrade individual squids with hats to make them stronger. Squids also increase in level and that increases their base character traits like Health, Stamina, Attack, Defense and their special ability.

Game play is fun. You basically stretch out your squid and fire them in any direction. You might be shooting them at enemies, a secret star, various jars or obstacles, but just don’t shoot them over the edge or you lose them for the rest of that level. It is a strategic game so you really have to decide which squids will work best and then use them to the best of their abilities. You may be exploring a cavern that has steam vents and damaging sea anemones or riding on the back of a turtle while trying to stay on its shell. Figure out the best way to achieve the stages goals and walk away with three stars for your efforts.
The main baddie in this one is The Ooze. From the Ooze there are shrimp and crabs and other sea creatures trying to stop your squid. Fire yourself at one of them and do some damage. Nail a few at a time for increased damage bonuses. You can also hit different jars that help you out by shooting starfish at your enemies. There are various ways to beat the baddies and achieve the goals.

Overall this was an entertaining game. I can see myself playing it from time to time and trying to beat one of the 90 levels. The characters look good and the backdrops are beautiful. Game play is easy to understand and pick up.
About SQUIDS Odyssey
SQUIDS Odyssey is a tactical RPG in which a ragtag army of Squid heroes goes up against a sinister black ooze polluting their homeland. On this epic adventure across four underwater kingdoms, you’ll assemble a party from four classes (shooter, scout, trooper, and healer), then customize your Squid heroes with 65+ stat-boosting helmets and various power-ups hidden around the levels.
During turn-based battles, each hero becomes its own weapon: just stretch a Squid by the tentacles, aim, and release to fling it across the battlefield. Make sure to explore the different control options — you can use the Left Stick to aim and shoot, or go “hands on” using the Wii U GamePad touch screen. Plus, SQUIDS Odyssey can be enjoyed in high definition on TV, or in Off-TV-Mode played exclusively on the GamePad.
If this is your first SQUIDS adventure, you’re in for a big treat, since this console debut includes all the content from two previously released mobile games as well as brand new content. For those who have played SQUIDS before, surprises are in store in the new kingdom of Wakame (includes a new hero and four new helmets), plus all 90+ levels can be replayed with a challenging Pro Mode that effectively doubles the game’s playtime.
– That’s IT!
Andrew “Drew” Bennett aka “BenSpark” became a blogger in 2003. Drew is the primary digital historian for his family. He creates movies from old photos, captures every family event on film, tape and now digitally. Preserving family history is important to him and he is passing that down to his kids. His Photo-A-Day project captures his daily life in photos and blog posts in his blog BenSpark.com.