“Sonic the Hedgehog 3” is one of those rare trilogies that gets better with each installment. The first served as the introduction for the titular blue speedster (voiced by Ben…
Studio Ponoc’s dreamy animation “The Imaginary” is set to debut July 5 on Netflix. Directed by Yoshiyuki Momose and written and produced by Yoshiaki Nishimura, the film narrates the tale…
“Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire” is the latest installment of the Kaiju-centered Monsterverse. The sequel sees the two legendary rival titans unite once more to face off against a…
As a franchise, the Transformers have been a part of our lives for almost 40 years. From animation to comic books, and live-action films to CG cartoons, in some way…
Calah Lane’s scene-stealing performance as Noodle in Wonka was nothing short of delightful. Now the young actress talks about her experience developing the original character and eating all the chocolate.…
“Wonka” is expected to be a sweet and sentimental origins story of the famed chocolatier. One of the biggest surprises comes from Timothee Chalamet’s scene-stealing co-star Calah Lane. ThatsItLA was…
Looking for a fun travel series to help plan your next adventure!? MillionStories.com’s family-friendly and budget conscious travel series George Goes Everywhere is the show for you! Hosted by television writer and…
This year marks a huge one for the Transformers franchise! In addition to Paramount Pictures’ Transformers: Rise of the Beasts hitting theaters in a few weeks, Nickelodeon is bringing the…
In A24’s film Marcel with the Shoes On, we meet Marcel (voiced by Jenny Slate), a tiny one-eyed, one-inch shell who lives with his grandmother, Connie. They lived with his…
Luck is a chance-based phenomenon that describes the success or failure of one’s action. But in the new full-length animated feature “Luck,” featuring the voice of Simon Pegg, that concept…