My Favorite Things about Christmas time in New York City
- Overnight Christmas trees merchants setting up over stretches of sidewalk and creating small instant pine forests in the middle of blocks of high rise buildings.
- Handmade sugar cookies shaped like Santa, Snowmen and snowflakes adorned with sprinkles and royal icing filling the windows of local bakeries and specialty stores.
- Apartment building lobbies being decorated with Christmas trees, twinkle lights and wreaths.
- Taking long walks up and down Madison Avenue and playing eye spy the Christmas presents, reindeer, and Nutcrackers in the designer shop windows.
- Ice rinks popping up where fountains and swimming pools kept us refreshed all summertime.
- Spotting ladies lunching on Park Avenue with small dogs dressed in Burberry coats, miniature red wool capes and bells on their collars.
- Kids and parents beginning to scope out the good sledding hills in Central Park in anticipation of the first real snow accumulation.
That’s IT Mommy Friend, Jill
1 comment
This post makes me want to visit NYC during the Christmas season. I’ve only been there on blustery, rainy days and no one on the street seems happy