“Monsters are scary!” That is Teagan’s sentiment towards Monsters. But I assured her that not all monsters are scary. Some of them are humorous, curious, kooky and have feelings just like you and me. The guys and gals at Monster Factory have created cool character plush monsters. Don’t judge a book by its cover. Just because they are monsters does not mean they can’t be cute and cuddly.
Monster Factory is a Toronto based company that creates unusual plush toys with tons of character. There are 19 different series of Monsters. 1 to 8 monsters are featured in each series. “8 Bits” are a gang of sensitive kids that aren’t too different from the kids we know. They like dinosaurs, playing video games and try to live up to their parent’s expectations.
Teagan and our east coast friend, Adeline, were the lucky testers! We received an Earthling named Keira and Super Chikara from the Super Happy Friends Club series.
I was pleasantly surprised by the superb quality of the monsters. They are extremely well made and are totally unique in their design! The creators did not fool around with quality!
Teagan received Earthling Keira.
Her online bio – Keira is fiercely loyal. She’s always sure to stick up for her friends, even when they’re wrong. I love her simple design and her heart shaped lips. She looks like a cross between a penguin and a scuba diver. She has dainty arms but that doesn’t stop Teagan from playing piano with her. Kiera can now be found wearing a beaded Hello Kitty necklace.
- Adeline received Super Chikara Plush Monster.
Her online bio – Real Name: Chelsea. Super Power: Super
Strength. Super Chikara is a fearless defender of her friends and loved ones. She tends to look a little frazzled.
Adeline has been really into monsters and super heroes lately so when she received this super hero monster in the mail she couldn’t have been happier. Super Chikara is a big soft pink monster that looks great in Adeline’s tutu. Super Chikara is the leader of the Super Happy Friends Clan. Adeline’s mom, Erika, enjoys reading about all the monsters as much as Adeline is enjoying the actual monster. They have been toting Super Chikara everywhere and tucking her in with them at night. Erika said that she’s definitely ordering more monsters for gifts and for Adeline.
I think we can all relate to any of these monsters. I definitely relate to Otis. I think we’re both notorious for losing our keys. Children and toy collectors alike will love these monsters. Visit www.monsterfactory.net for fun bios on the monsters, cool stuff such as icons and wallpaper (found on most of the Monster’s pages). You can also meet the masterminds behind the monsters and watch funny videos. Mr. Pickley is a riot. Make sure you don’t touch his eyes! Also, check out their latest edition, Harriet. She wears her heart on her sleeve and is the smallest of the bunch. Harriet ($15) would be a unique Mother’s Day gift or a fun gift for your child.
GIVEAWAY – thatsITmommy and Monsters Factory is offering one lucky reader a chance to win Colin! Colin is from the 8 Bits series and he divides his time between playing video games and fretting about his future.
MANDATORY MAIN ENTRY – Visit monsterfactory.net and tell us what other characters you like.
Come back here and leave a comment in the reply box below this post.
(Remember if this MAIN ENTRY RULE is not followed then no other entries will count)
EXTRA ENTRIES – Do you really want to win Colin? Earn extra entries! Please leave each extra entry in a SEPARATE comment.
- Follow us on Twitter and let us know, Fan us on Facebook and let us know (separate comments please)
- Subscribe to our RSS feed or by email (or let us know if you already subscribe) Subscriptions must be verified to count.
- Follow Monster Factory on Twitter.
- Fan Monster Factory on Facebook.
- Leave Monster Factor a msg on their Facebook (click on this link) page. Tell them that you love their monsters and ThatsITmommy sent you!
- Tweet this giveaway. Copy and paste – I entered to win COLIN! He’s a cool Monster Factory plush. @thatsitmommy @_monsterfactory http://bit.ly/by5ncv
Tweet once a day! and let us know you did
- Have a Blog? Blog about this giveaway and leave the link to your post in a separate comment below.
This giveaway will run through midnight on March 10, 2010 (PST) with winner being announced March 11, 2010 (PST). Winner will be chosen using Random.org from all valid entries and notified via email. Winner will have 48 hours to contact us before another winner is chosen. Giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.
* We did not receive monetary compensation for this review.
* We did receive 2 Monster Factory toys.
This will in no way sway our opinion of the service.
The review is in our own words and is our opinion. Your results and opinion may differ.
How can you not like them all?! They are so darn cute? I’ll kick dh out of bed for the whole lot to snuggle with!!!! He snores, I’m sure they don’t ;):) gotta like Mike, dh name, Olive, close to my maiden name, La Nina a nickname for my girls, ok ok I’ll stop!!
Flw twt @aleshamom4
FB fan
EM sub
MF @aleshamom4
Left them a message, they have 3 diff sites (at least) lol very popular, now I see why I fell for them on site!!
The link in the extra entries section will take you to the correct Monster Factory Facebook page.
i think my son would like owen
feed subscriber
Love it! They are great! Especially like Stanley the Wingback and Mr. Jefferson the Substitute. Also like the Dirk and Bradley!
I LOVE Wilma!!
“Although it’s difficult to follow exactly what Wilma is talking about she is always entertaining to listen to”
All of the monsters of the 8-Bit series are amazing! I can honestly say that I can relate to most of them. My favorite is Todd. I purchased Todd for my girlfriend’s birthday recently
And Troy reminds me of my good friend!
Following on Twitter: @blouieee
Fan on Facebook
Have been following Monster Factory on Twitter for quite some time now!
Have also been a fan of Monster Factory on Facebook for a while.
Message left on Monster Factory’s Facebook
I really like Todd. Thanks for the chance.
I like Mitch.
I love Harriett. <3
nik_har at yahoo dot com
(there is an underscore between "nik" & "har")
I really like Colin, but since he is the one up for grabs I also really like Wayne. Colin is exactly like me so that is why I would love to win him! Thanks for the great giveaway!
hahaaha OMG i remember seeing Colin at Bazaar Bizarre in 2008!! I was THIS close to buying him and for some dumb reason I didn’t T.T How I’ve missed you Colin! Anyhoo I’m so glad to have come across this giveaway!! I freakin’ LOVE Andy too! And I’m quite fond of the Heartbreakers, Lucy and Trevor! Too much!
FaceBook Fan of t.h.a.t.s.I.T. mommy!
Following Monster Factory on Twitter!
Facebook Fan of MonsteryFactoryStudio
Left a message on MonsterFactoryStudio Facebook
and I tweeted! (@stainedstephiee)
How different – and cute. I love their names too! I like Maggie.
I love Wilma. Sounds like my daughter. Can’t always understand her, but it’s sure fun listening.
I am following you on Twitter under the name of henniferus.
owen – he is beafy
im with you on facebook
im following you in twitter now
im following monster on twitter now
im now a fan of monster on the facebook
I posted a message on MonsterFactorys wall on the facebook
OMG, these monsters are awesome! I adore them! I think Buddy, Bradley, and Wayne would all be welcome in my house.
I tweeted today: http://twitter.com/henniferus/status/9904359280
I like Wayne.
follow you on FB
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left message on monster factory wall.
I really like Owen, but all of them are cute!
I follow you on twitter.
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I follow Monster Factory on twiter.
I tweeted!
I like the Gordon monster.
OMG…these are adorable! I like Douglas (the Monsternaut). Thanks for the review and giveaway!
jackievillano at gmail dot com
I subscribe via email
I love Todd, Wilma, Pax & Kyle!
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Following monster factory on twitter
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it’s a toss up between buddy and any of the peabodys…but especially henry.
We love royal!
I like Trevor
I subscribed via Google Reader.
I tweeted today: http://twitter.com/henniferus/status/9948585796
Ooh I like Sheldon from the Heartbreakers
following you @kissesforusall
following monster factory @kissesforusall
FB fan of monster – J osborne
FB fan of you- J osborne
Posted on their FB wall- J osborne
Rss subscriber
I love Gordon!
Buddy! He’s so cute!
i love harriet and Dirk
facebook fan
Awww! I like Trevor!
i like Royal
Wilma is my favorite-such a cutie!
smchester at gmail dot com
I tweeted today: http://twitter.com/henniferus/status/10007173689
I am following Monster Factory on Twitter under the name of henniferus.
I like Harriet
So cute!
I picked Bengie
I signed up for e-mail
I tweeted today: http://twitter.com/henniferus/status/10047915555
Well of course LUCY. even though SHE is loud.
I tweeted today: http://twitter.com/henniferus/status/10089153706
I like Colin; I’ve wanted him for a long time. I also like Wayne, who I have, and Emmett Morley and Dr. Bog.
FB fan
daily tweet
They are all so cute! I really love Wilma.
I love the Dave monster
I like Gordon. That beard cracks me up!
I like Kyle the Monsternaut. Adorable!
Dr. Bog & Rusty
Following you on Twitter (id- litehouse27)
Followin Monster Factory on Twitter., id- litehouse27
tweeted, http://twitter.com/litehouse27/status/10167757568
I like Trevor and Wayne too
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Follow Monster Factory on Twitter
Fan Monster Factory on Facebook
I really like Colin but I think Bengie is cute, too.
crayolaswap at hotmail dot com
I fanned on facebook
crayolaswap at hotmail dot com
I really like the earthling.
There are so many I like: Owen, Pax, Mitch, and Todd, but I think my absolute favorite is Darryl.
I like the George Plush Monster.
I follow you on Twitter- ksh123
I subscribe to your RSS through Google reader.
I follow Monster Factory on Twitter- ksh123
My favorite is Todd. His description made me lol.
I think my kids would also love steve thanks eaglesforjack@gmail.com
I subscribe to your blog
I am a facebook fan of your blog id is lepaige
I am a fan of monster factory on facebook id is lepaige
I tweeted thanks http://twitter.com/eaglesforjack/status/10257763549
I follow you on twitter @eaglesforjack
I love Emmitt and Gordon, soo cool!
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com
follow you on twitter
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Amber Jackson Porter
subscribe to your rss feed at
skipthelaundry at gmail dot com
following monster factory on twitter
facebook fan of monster factory
Amber Jackson Porter
wrote on monster factory facebook wall saying you sent me
Amber Jackson Porter
I posted my first response several days ago (so above) so these are my additional entries!
I am following you on twitter.
I tweeted about this giveaway
I am following Monster Factory on Twitter.
I am a Monster Factory fan on Facebook.
Left a comment on Facebook.
I like Mitch.
I like Gunther and Gordon.
daily tweet, http://twitter.com/litehouse27/status/10279109554
The Earthlings are cute.
I also like Dave, he has cool socks on!
I subscribe via email
i like owen
I like the sugars, especially Francine Plush Monster
I follow you on twitter under ChildrensNook
I follow monster factory on twitter under ChildrensNook
Tweeted: http://twitter.com/ChildrensNook/status/10290235115
I really like Buddy.
I’m your facebook fan.
I’m a facebook fan of monster factory.
I’m following monster factory on twitter.
I follow you on twitter.
I left monster factory a message on facebook.
Kyle is cute too.
Dirk is pretty cute!
I’m an email subscriber
My favorite is Emmitt!!! xoxoxox
I rather like Kyle the overworked robot.
mitch ty
My favorite is Gordon Plush Monster.
I really like Wilma.
I love the La Nina Plush Monster!
I subscribed by email.
I became a fan of Monster Factory on Facebook.
MIKE! Mike loves to have his picture taken and talks too fast when he gets excited.
(Sounds like my son!)
I follow you on Twitter @cezovski
I am a Friend/Fan of yours on Facebook
Carol Anderson Ezovski
I am a Friend/Fan of Monster Factory on Facebook
Carol Anderson Ezovski
I follow Monster Factory on Twitter @cezovski
i like gordon the best but they are all so cute.
Mr. Jefferson is my favourite! In fact, he’s sitting on my shelf right now!
Hello, i would just like to say, what a interesting post! i am in the process of doing a bit of research for my wordpress blog but i had trouble reading this post because the text protruding in to the side menu…. NVM! oops! the problems my end, its my ancient version of internet explorer causing the bug. Could be worthwhile asking peeps to update? Thanks. Adam Woodyatt