Being stuck indoors this summer due to the heat wave has pressured us to be creative. We love art projects in our household so when the going got tough we broke out the Magic Markers. Our canvas is packing paper. We have a box of packing paper left over from our last move and it’s fantastic. It’s oversized for the large-scale art project, and it’s inexpensive. You can pick it up at professional moving companies either in a box or by the roll.
Step 1: Draw an outline of your child. As they get older and wiggle less you can have fun with letting them position themselves jumping or such.
Step 2: Let your child dictate who gets to draw the most important parts, i.e. the shoes, face, hair, shirt, pants, hands.
Step 3: Gently ask questions to see where it leads the child’s imagination. What are you wearing on your feet? What color hair do you have? What color are your eyes? Do you have a happy or sad mouth?
Step 4: Let your child take over. My daughter surprised me by drawing skeletal parts and her interpretation of internal organs. Interesting stuff that I never would have known was floating around inside that little head.
– That’s IT Mommy friends, Jill & Charlotte
This is sooo sweet. Your daughter is quite the artist! Thanks for sharing.
What a great idea!! We are always looking for easy craft ideas:) Thanks.
What a great idea! I will have to go out and see if I can pick up a roll my kids would totaaly dig that.
Julia recently posted…Pont de Québec
AWWW…how cute – GREAT idea! This is ideal for winter or rainy days too!
katie recently posted…Wordless Wednesday
I love the idea and I love the last picture even more–adorable!
Oh, what a great idea!! I will def have to try this!
And your daughter is just adorable!!
Pepper recently posted…Wordless Wednesday- Point of View
What a fun idea!!! I think my kids and I will do that this weekend!
The Greer 5 – Family & Life recently posted…Seventh Generation Back To School Giveaway
If she were any cuter, it’d be a sin! What a fun idea, too!
cute idea! will have to keep it in my ‘Grandmas’ baskets of tricks!
Faythe recently posted…Those little nimble musicians of the air-
WOW!! This is a GREAT creative idea!! I am going to try this with my kiddos during on of the school breaks! They will love it!
Bobbie {OneScrappyMom} recently posted…Breathe Clean
How cool!! I love how she drew her pants! Super adorable!
Nina Say recently posted…BattleShip Keychain Review and Giveaway
Oh my that’s adorable! That would make a great project to then mail to grandparents that don’t live close by. Like a “virtual” hug in the mail

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[…] Art Adventures on a Shoestring – Got to love this idea! And I bet you have everything you need in your house or can get it for under $2. […]