- Tissue Paper (color of your choice)
- Scissors
- Pipe cleaners (color of your choice)
- Glass Bottle (I used a small glass baby bottle and a glass milk jar but a vase will work)

Viola! Your flower has bloomed and is ready to be displayed. Create multiple flowers for a bouquet or display single flowers.

These steps created this pretty flower

Try experimenting with cuts to create different shaped flowers! The pointed shape created the flower in the top photo. The sliced edges created the blue flower in the flower below.
Another way we’re celebrating this beautiful season is by watching Ice Age: “The Great EGG-SCAPADE”. We’re all about Easter egg hunts in my family. In this short, Scrat and the rest of his prehistoric friends from Ice Age are back with a daring rescue that turns into the world’۪s first egg hunt! Our paper flower looks like the one Skrat is carrying in his mouth! Ice Age:The Great Egg Escape is available on DVD on March 7th. It’s also available for download on Digital HD through the iTunes store. We enjoy watching “specials” around the holidays. It’s a fun tradition and a memorable bonding moment for our family.
My kids love Scrat!
Sid is definitely my favorite Ice Age character!
I like Sid – he is hilarious!!!
I love the flowers. My grandmother use to make beautiful paper tissue flowers.
Scrat is my favorite character.
I like Diego.
Sid is my favorite character from Ice Age.
I like Luis the hedgehog. He is just way too adorable with his shyness.
I like Zeke!
Sid is our fave character from the Ice Age series.
Manny is my favorite!
Favorite character is Sid.