The Hub Network’s popular animated series, “My Little Pony Friendship is Magic,” from Hasbro Studios, will air its fourth season finale, Saturday, May 10, with two all-new, back-to-back episodes, “Twilight’s Kingdom –…
My daughter will be spending endless hours at the beach and pool this summer. Sun protection is a must not only for your child’s skin but their hair. All that…
* Tee received GoGo squeez free of charge to facilitate this review. The review is in our own words and is our opinion. Fruit pouches have been a part of…
We received a $100 Gift Card to shop at The Children’s Place. All opinions are my own. The Children’s Place is celebrating summer with trendy neon colors, bold prints and…
My daughter’s first pair of infant shoes were pedipeds. The shoes were soft, flexible, had plenty of wiggle space for her toes and they were also very cute! I kept…