Fans of the show Mythbusters ooh and ahh over props from the shows many experiments. Visitors recognize each and every item from favorite episodes, on display at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Mythbusters: The Explosive Exhibition, opened October 11 and runs through January 4, 2014.
The interactive exhibit brings some of the show’s best exhibits to the people where they can try them out for themselves. Have you ever wondered if it would be remotely possible to change clothes in a phone booth as fast as a super hero? Pick super-hero garb from a trunk, set a timer and step inside a phone booth to see if you can beat the clock. No matter that you look kind of ridiculous when you step out, with a cape, hockey padding and a glittery wrestling belt. You’re super!

Is it really possible to change into super hero garb super fast and in a phone booth? Find out!Photo by Colorado IT Mom, Courtney.
Or do an experiment to see if toast will always fall buttered side down. Please DON’T try that one at home, nor the test to see if a human can dodge a bullet. It’s only a light in this exhibit but it will surely put one’s ability to duck to the test.
My favorite experiment was one I’ve always wanted to try but didn’t dare – pulling a table cloth out from under dishes without disturbing them! Definitely don’t dry this one at home – unless you have plastic dishes like they do at the museum. Two tables are set up with plastic plates, cups and a vase. There are different types of table cloth available to choose from, from smooth and light to heavier and more rubbery. Visitors get to figure out whether it’s a matter of the table cloth, the number of dishes, the position of the table cloth or the way in which it is pulled away. There were lots of crashing noises coming from that end of the exhibit.

What’s the trick to pulling a table cloth out from under dishes without disturbing them? Find out at the Mythbusters: The Explosive Exhibition in
There’s also a series of live shows happening throughout the day that let audience members take part in experiments. Should I have worried when they had me sign a waiver before letting my daughter be shot at with a paint gun? Kinda. But she had lots of padding and a riot guard shield, as well as her quick footwork to help her. It was a fun experiment to see just how fast a paintball could travel and how quickly a person could get out of the way.
The entire exhibit celebrates science and just how fun and exciting it can be. And even if you aren’t familiar with the show, it won’t matter. It’s all about being curious and willing to experiment. That’s a good lesson for anyone, Mythbuster fan or not.
To learn more about the exhibit, go to:
That’s IT Mom Courtney
1 comment
Thanks for posting, this looks like lots of fun, I live in CO!