Celebrate Pixar’s new release INSIDE OUT and guarantee yourself a happier night of ZZZZs, by entering a sleepy-themed giveaway from the folks at Mattress Firm. What emotion are you in the morning? Joyful? Angry? Well, it may have something to do with the amount of sleep you are getting each night or even the mattress and pillow you sleep on!
Here is your opportunity to win $5,000, a new Beautyrest queen mattress set and several other pillow-y prizes to help you sleep happy all year long.
There are two cool ways to enter to win!
#1 Click to Enter and Win
>Through July 21, you can hop on the emotional roller-coaster by clicking here to enter the #SleepEmotions contest celebrating Disney•Pixar’s Inside Out for the chance to win!
#2 Use those selfie skills to earn some cool sleep swag! Just take a picture of yourself telling us how sleep makes you feel based on the corresponding emotion in each entry period.
• Entry Period #3: Sadness – 6/7/15 (at 12:00 a.m. CT) – 6/18/15 (at 11:59:59 p.m. CT)
• Entry Period #4: Anger – 6/19/15 (at 12:00 a.m. CT) – 7/1/15 (at 11:59:59 p.m. CT)
• Entry Period #5: Joy – 7/2/15 (at 12:00 a.m. CT) – 7/21/15 (at 11:59:59 p.m. CT)
• Note: You can only enter once per entry method per Entry Period.
Visit the contest Instagram or Twitter pages and share your selfie using the hashtag #SleepEmotions, or visit their Facebook tab or the contest website to sign up for the contest and upload your photo.
Once your entry has been approved within 24 hours, visit the homepage on the contest microsite to search for your entry and locate your unique link to share with your social community for votes. If you entered on Twitter or Instagram, you will receive a response from Mattress Firm with the link to your entry.
Share your SleepEmotions! Using the unique link associated with your selfie, share your entry across your social networks to accumulate votes and get closer to winning one of the grand prizes.
For full contest details visit http://www.mattressfirm.com/blog/current-news/disney-pixar-inside-out
The kind folks at Mattress Firm are also giving one lucky TIM follower an opportunity to receive their very own new amazing Lux Living Lavender Bliss Pillows which retails for $129.00 each.
The Lux Living Lavender Bliss pillow features premium memory foam blended with natural lavender oil; this combination creates a supportive, plush feeling pillow with the natural benefits of Lavender oil. Lavender has been used for centuries as a sleep aid and has been shown to promote relaxation and sleep quality. This pillow also features ventilated channel technology to ensure maximum breathability, and is molded not to ensure consistency and durability. You can sleep easy knowing that this pillow comes with a 5 year warranty, ensuring peace of mind for years to come.
I am not a happy morning person; takes me a bit to wale up.
I am usually tired in the morning.
if its a weekend i wake up happy! if its a work day i wake up… usually confused? lol
tired and mad
im usually GRUMPY! !
gugghghghgh thanks !:)
I’m always exhausted in the morning.
I am confused in the AM.
Tired but happy that I woke up and got out of bed.
I am usually irritable!
I am usually pretty content in the morning.
I would say fairly happy in the mornings!
I am confusion in the mornings. I don’t even know where I am most mornings.
I’m sleepy until I see my sons’ happy faces.
I am grumpy in the mornings. It is best to leave me alone for a couple of hours until I have coffee and chill out!
In the morning lately i have been Joy! We just got a mattress topper, so it has been nice waking up!
I am trying to wake up ready to go and happy but mostly I wake up tired.
I am usually rested and happy to meet the day!
What a cute movie this is going to be. I definitely wake up very joyous and happy. I always feel very refreshed and when you get a good nights rest it completely makes your day!
I have never been a morning person. Ever. Never. I hate mornings!
I would say I’m happy this morning.
I am usually crabby in the morning.
I’m grumpy and tired in the morning
Grumpy and groggy :/
In the morning I am Sadness.
I am happy and chipper in the morning. I am a morning person and I am a night owl.
I am tired and grumpy in the morning.
Crabby, Grumpy and Sleepy. That’s me til cup #2 of coffee kicks in.
I wake up happy in the morning with my cat purring next to me and the birds singing outside my bedroom window.
I’m happy this morning
It is turning into grumpy though as it gets closer to the time I have to go to work…lol.
Some mornings I’m joy.
I usually wake up
I usually wake up a combination of happy and in pain because my pillows make my neck sore!
I’m usually quiet & cranky!!~
I’m sad in the morning because I have to go to work.
I would say grumpy.
Moody i am not a morning person at all.
I wake up a bit on the grumpy side until I get some caffeine in me to wake me up.
I am usually ambivalent in the morning; neither particularly happy of sad. Just kind of blah till I have my breakfast and tea.
I’m happy in the morning. Got 2 dogs to wake me up.
I am usually happy to start the day.
Is foggy an emotion?
I usually wake up happy!
I am feeling confused this morning
I guess bright-eyed would describe me well — I wake up rarin’ to go!
I am tired and anxious this morning.
Does ‘groggy’ count as an emotion? I desperately need to down a few cups of coffee first thing in the morning before I can be considered halfway functional.
I am usually “happy” in the morning as it’s great to wake up to another day even if there’s work to be done.
I’m tired and happy
tired, sleepy groggy feel like I’ve never been to bed I toss and turn all night
I am usually happy when I get up.
Tired and grumpy
I am usually joy in the morning. Thank you
Grumpy. I’m not a morning person!
Sleepy, I never get enough sleep.
I am in an angry mood today.
I’m happy. I love mornings and generally wake up in a good mood!
Sadness, because I have to go to work. LOL! Thanks for the chance.
I was joy, I woke up happy and ready to go
I am usually quiet in the morning and want some space to wake up.
Fairly happy in the mornings!
I am usually cranky in the morning due to still being tired.
I am usually a little crabby in the morning.
I’m going with sleepy I’m always sleepy in the morning
I would have to say Grumpy, until I have my coffee I am not very happy.
I’m grumpy.
If I get to work out in peace, joy.
I would say dread of another day to get through..
I consider myself a morning person, but my husband would disagree. Getting up & going first thing is better than sleeping in for me, but I do need about an hour & some tea before I’m perky. Hubby gets frustrated because he likes morning chats, I prefer quiet until I’ve been up for a bit. A good nights sleep sure helps me deal with that better!
I’m usually feeling reluctant in the mornings because I love staying in bed.
The majority of the time I’m grumpy because I don’t get enough sleep.
I am usually happy but tired
Grumpy. Too little sleep and not enough coffee.
I am a happy morning person!!
grouchy, lol
I have a newborn and a three-nager. I am not very happy nor awake in the morning.
If i dont sleep well I am usually grumpy.. and I usually dont sleep well
I am usually optimistic when I wake up in the morning.
Pretty crabby! Every morning I hit the snooze too much and then panic that I overslept for work.
My first emotion in the morning is hurting….is that an emotion? well, it’s the first thing i feel anyways lol. We’re way past due to updating our mattress, once we do that, i think i’ll feel a lot more optimistic in the mornings
I am happy to start the day !!
Thank You for the giveaway…no joy in the morning…until copious amounts of coffee !
Pretty cheerful usually.
I am grumpy til after coffee, then I am upbeat and happy.
Tired, but usually excited about the journey of the day.
I’m usually not too happy, but the thought of coffee gets me out of bed!
I am exhausted and confused in the morning. I never know what’s going on early in the day!
I am tired in the morning.
I feel happy.
im usually very tired and grumpy at first ,but within 15 minutes, im pretty happy !!
I am usually a little on the grumpy side i the morning!
It depends on how I slept. Sometimes I’m happy and excited, other times I’m grumpy and tired.
I would say I’m happy