In one of our adventures to The Paper Rabbit in Montrose, the store had a section with small clear storage containers that had adorable designs on them and I was ready with my credit card to buy this cute container for Izzy to store all her stickers. Well, I held back and thought…hum, I can do this. I can buy the container, markers, and stickers and make it more of a DIY project that I know I will enjoy.
Here is my DIY project for the I.T. girls. A keepsake sticker container that I hope they both will enjoy.
TJ and I made a trip to Michael’s arts and crafts store for all of the materials I was looking for.
My receipt included:
- 1 set of Vellum Writer (TM) pens
- assortment of stickers
- 2 – ribbon dispenser container – 2 tiered
- and various On Sale items one couldn’t pass on: mini punch, and permanent adhesive.
I wanted these containers to be fun to create but fun for the girls to also decorate with their stickers. For Teagan’s sticker container, I decide to use one of Izzy’s favorite book as her main theme, I love you through and through by Bernadette Rossetti-Shustak, page 6. I’m no Picasso, so I used wax paper and traced over the design of the boy and his bear. I then taped the traced design on the inside to the box and began to trace it on the outside of the box. I used this technique on Izzy’s box too. To add color, I used Vellum Writer (TM) markers and use my finger to smudge the color to make it look natural. Unfortunately, these markers are not perfect to add to plastic containers because they never dry. It’s ok though because if the girls decide that they want a different design on their boxes then they can always just wash it off then use a different theme. This box is very interactive ;).

Teagan's and Izzy's containers. Izzy's has a flower and bee theme. She has been obsessed with them lately.

Izzy's sticker box with her name on front. I used blue and green cheeky shimmer stickers to add their names.

Teagan's box also shows a little something I added, "Tee <3 u!" & "Cecy<3 u!" A reminder that we both love them.
Once completed, I added stickers to their boxes so that they can get an idea of what this box contains. I decided to leave the front side without design because 1 – the markers didn’t work to my advantage and 2 – I think the girls will enjoy adding a little bit of themselves to this with the stickers they’ll find in them.
Izzy & Teagan,
I love you both. I hope that this will be a wonderful keepsake that you will appreciate more, as you grow older and hopefully pass on to your girls.
This is the best gift! Especially since it was made with love. Thanks Cecy!
I remember how much I used to love stickers when I was young. And when they are older they’ll appreciate this gift even more! Cool idea!
Very cool idea. Izzy seems to really love her container. She is really playing with it a lot and carries it with her everywhere. She loves to add stickers to it too.
That is such a great idea and they turned out great!
My son loves I Love you Through and Through too – we read it everyday at naptime and bedtime =)
Hi Michaela,
Thanks! Although the markers I bought didn’t work out for this project (ink didn’t dry) the box itself became the girls’ canvas…and that’s what it’s really about. Thanks for your support. I especially love this book, maybe more than Izzy. Reminds me of my mother. -Cecy