Everything was coming up strawberries at the California Strawberry Festival in Oxnard. This was my first time attending and we joined thousands of festival-goers to celebrate everything strawberry!
The aroma of the sweet, delicious fruit greeted us upon entry and we made sure to take home some of the luscious, juicy berries with us! One of the highlights of the day was a visit from the berry-queen herself, Strawberry Shortcake! She met with fans, judged a baby contest and did what she did best, look “berry” cute!
Here are some images from our fun, family-filled day. We made our own strawberry shortcakes, “oohed” and “awed” over the Berry Best Dressed Babies, admired the best hats in town and even climbed a rock wall!

We <3 Strawberry Shortcake!

Made Our Own Strawberry Shortcake! Yum.

She’s in her Berry Best Dress!
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