I just received my Adelina Madelina Hobo style diaper bag and I have to say, it’s GORGEOUS! This bag has star quality and has a very reasonable price tag suitable for the every day mom. It’s a shower gift you can feel great about registering for.
The colors are beautiful. I ordered the cerulean and ivory color combination and they are exactly as pictured. While the outside pockets are adequate for bottles, snack cups or other essentials (two rounded end pockets and two flat side pockets with a diaper changing pad) the inside compartment helps this bag to hit it out of the park. It’s not just big it’s SPACIOUS.
I’ve used it for awhile and we’ve carted around our usual extra clothes, snacks and diapers but we’ve been able to add our new favorite stuffy, some books, a blanket and my current craft project as well! As you can imagine it’s a bit heavy but with the adjustable strap I can carry this bag messenger style, over the shoulder or tucked up under my arm and I like that versatility. This bag might be pretty but it’s tough too. The only thing I could ask for is a matching “wet” bag for those who use disposable diapers, for diaper changes in the park where we carry out or bathing suits. This bag is just too nice not to match. If my old Chicco bag was the Miranda Hobbs of diaper bags; comfortable and practical, this Adelina Madelina bag is the Charlotte York; stylish, practical and able to make even the most disheveled mom-on-the-go feel like she looks fabulous and put together.
Beth is an “IT” Mom who lives in VT with her beautiful one-year-old daughter.