Walt Disney Animation Studios has released the first trailer for “Strange World.” Directed by y Don Hall (Oscar®-winning “Big Hero 6,” “Raya and the Last Dragon”) and co-director/writer Qui Nguyen (co-writer “Raya and the Last Dragon”), and produced by Roy Conli (Oscar®-winning “Big Hero 6,” “Tangled”), the film is a nod to the run-of-the-mill but classic adventures published in pulp magazines that circulated in the late 1890s to early 1950s.
Though the idea of the modern-day lost world isn’t entirely new by any stretch, many of them were inspired by the adventures found in these pulp magazines. So Hall and Nguyen took those stories and reimagined it as an animated film that follows a family of explorers who journey to uncharted and treacherous land where all sorts of dangers await them, including those from within.
Like most of Disney’s animated films, they come with a big name attached to it. And for “Strange World,” Jake Gyllenhaal voices the lead as Searcher Clade, a meek and timid son of a steadfast explorer who would rather be back home on the farm rather than exploring the bizarre and weird world of the unknown.
Here’s the brief plot synopsis for “Strange World:”
Jake Gyllenhaal (“The Guilty,” “Spider-Man: Far from Home”) lends his voice to Searcher Clade, the son of a steadfast explorer. The original action-adventure journeys deep into an uncharted and treacherous land where fantastical creatures await the legendary Clades, a family of explorers whose differences threaten to topple their latest—and by far— most crucial mission.”
“Strange World” opens in theaters on November 23, 2022.