Studio Ponoc’s dreamy animation “The Imaginary” is set to debut July 5 on Netflix. Directed by Yoshiyuki Momose and written and produced by Yoshiaki Nishimura, the film narrates the tale…
Studio Ponoc’s “The Imaginary” is a captivating film adaptation of A.F. Harrold’s book of the same title. The story follows the enchanting tale of a girl named Amanda and her…
Disney Pixar’s “Inside Out” hit theaters in 2015 when my daughter was 6 years old. The film follows a young girl named Riley and explores the complex emotions of growing…
Another endless summer of music, movies and fun in the pool awaits parkgoers when LA County Parks & Recreation’s award-winning Parks After Dark (PAD) summer program kicks off at El…
“Young Woman and the Sea” is a biographical film about Gertrude Ederle, the trailblazing woman who became the first to swim across the English Channel. The movie showcases her journey,…
Barnsdall Art Park Foundation is excited to announce the return of its popular fundraiser, Barnsdall Fridays Wine Tasting, which after a hiatus since 2019, is back in full swing for 2024. …
Are you a fan of Wes Anderson’s unique style? Do you love his witty humor and eye-catching aesthetic? If so, you should definitely check out the Accidentally Wes Anderson: The…
John Krasinski’s family film, IF, tells the story of a young girl named Bea who, while going through a difficult time in her life, discovers she has the ability to…
It is the final week of The Flower Fields 2024 season and this is your last chance to see the bloom!! There are several reasons for a return visit before spring turns…
Want to spoil new moms-to-be with last-minute Mother’s Day gifts by Disney Baby? Check out this awesome selection of products from brands like Milksnob, Melissa & Doug, Aden + Anais,…